lesson 001 / Consonants in Kyrgyz
The consonants in Kyrgyz are б в г д ж з й к л м н ң п р с т ф х ц ч ш щ. All of these consonants are also present in Russian except ң. These consonants also in Russian are pronounced the same way in Kyrgyz with one exception: ж. In Russian, ж is pronounced like ‘zh’, but in Kyrgyz, ж is pronounced like ‘j’ in English. However, in Russian words, ж will still be pronounced like ‘zh’ (Kyrgyz sometimes relies on Russian loanwords as people have forgotten or don’t know the Kyrgyz word for things). Some consonants are rare or never seen in Kyrgyz words and only show up in Russian loanwords (like ф and щ)
б like English ‘b’
в like English ‘v’
г like English ‘g’
д like English ’d’
ж like English ‘j’ (in Kyrgyz, not in Russian)
з like English ‘z’
й like English ‘iy’ ?
к like English ‘k’
л like English ‘L’
м like English ’M’
н like English ‘n’
ң like English ‘ng’
п like English ‘p’
р like English ‘r’
с like English ’s’
т like English ’t’
ф like English ‘f’
х like English ‘h’
ц like English ‘ts’
ч like English ‘ch’
ш like English ‘sh’
щ like English ‘shhuh’ ?
Use the information above to choose the correct English pronunciation of the Kyrgyz word. All words will use the vowel а (like ‘ah’), so you can focus on the consonant sounds.
1. ат (horse)
lesson 002 / Vowels in Kyrgyz
The vowels in Kyrgyz are а о э/е ө ы у и ү. All vowels except ө and ү are present in Russian.
а like English ‘ah’
о like English ‘o’?
э and е are pronounced the same as ‘eh’ in Kyrgyz (as opposed to Russian where э is pronounced like ‘eh’ but е is pronounced like ‘yeh’).
ө sounds like the German ö, according to some. It sounds a bit like ‘uh’ but with the sound coming from deeper in your throat.
ы like the short i sound in English, but not drawn out
у like English ‘ooh’
и like English ‘ee’
ү: start with ‘ooh’ and bring your lips forward more so that they a protruding a bit (kind of like as if you are going to kiss something). It’s the same sound as the ü from Pinyin for Mandarin Chinese
Note - the Russian vowels я (ya) and ю (you) also appear rarely, usually in loanwords
Use the information above to choose the correct English pronunciation of the Kyrgyz word.
1. оң (right, as in direction)
lesson 003 / Vowel Harmony and Vowel Shifts
Most Kyrgyz words contain vowel harmony. Vowel harmony is the concept that words only contain vowels which ‘go together’.
Ата (father) is an example of a word with vowel harmony. There are two vowels in this word, and they are the same (а).
However, the word балык (fish) also displays vowel harmony, even though the vowels are not the same (а and ы).
So other than vowels which are exactly the same, how do we know which vowels ‘go together’? Let’s look at the chart below.
lesson 004 / Kyrgyz Pronouns
Чай ичем. = I drink tea. (This sentence is also possible and grammatically correct since ‘to drink’ (ич) is conjugated for the pronoun I (ичем)
lesson 005 / Kyrgyz Verb Conjugation - Present Simple/Future Simple Tense
Let’s look at five frequently used verbs in Kyrgyz. How a verb is conjugated depends on the final letter of the verb’s stem.
Let’s start with verbs which have stems that end in a consonant.
бар (pronounced ‘bar’) - to go