
April 25, 2024 - this is Zoya. I asked why Zoya, and my host mom said, “because it is short and easy to say”. I accidentally let Zoya out of our yard last week. Luckily, some random guy on the street helped me get her back home. She’s almost 2 weeks old now. I assume she has a spine

brown calf standing in a yard on the right side of the photo looking at the camera

April 24, 2024 - today’s morning light as seen from a street in my village

orange sunrise on the horizon and a couple dark blue/purple clouds mostly covering a pale blue sky. dirt road in the foreground with houses on both sides

April 23, 2024 - I love this picture, so I’m posting it for dreamy. house of my host family’s friends. We visited this past weekend, and I had such a large itch to climb all the hills around that I unfortunately didn’t get to scratch 😔 I wonder what it looks like here when it snows

house at the base of 6 brown hills, snow-capped mountains visible in the distance

April 22, 2024 - blossoms and a bee against a blue sky

pink blossoms on thin branches in the top half of the picture, over a blue sky

April 21, 2024 - It’s hard to pick one picture for mountain since I live around them and take pictures of them almost daily. this one was from a recent morning run

snow-capped mountains at dawn with a gray cloud separating the peaks from the sky

April 20, 2024 - small ice skating rink in Almaty in early January

skating on a small ice skating rink next to a shopping mall

April 19, 2024 - when in Bishkek, I bought a ping pong set for my host sister’s birthday (May). we don’t really have a table to play on…my hope is that she will still have some fun with it with her friends, and I’ll play with her as well. I plan to take it out of the plastic and put it in a gift bag

ping pong set in a plastic case including a net, two paddles and three orange balls

April 18, 2024 - was in a bit of a bad mood when I returned to school yesterday after only being out for 2 school days and found our chalk like this. the box of chalk under the yellow cloth was fairly new when I left. And my coteachers never buy colored chalk, it’s always me

broken pieces of colored chalk haphazardly strewn about a narrow, white counter top

April 17, 2024 - transcendence - my host mom’s cooking. she made these things for Ait. I don’t remember what she called it, something like sweet boorsok? She said it is Uzbek and she had never made them before, she just found the recipe on the internet and tried it. I love that energy

some kind of twisted, baked bread things made with honey

April 16, 2024 - my best attempt at a non-human flâneur

light tan cat with light blue eyes mid-lick with a visible pink tongue

April 15, 2024 - small creature eating a small nut

squirrel with gray body and brown furry ears eating an almond in a park

April 14, 2024 - cactus made by my best friend ❤️ I’ve seen cacti as houseplants here, but can’t remember about out in the wild

crocheted cactus in a pot with a pink flower on the top left of its head

April 13, 2024 - a page from a book called Developing Writing: Writing Skills Practice Book for EFL, Beginning/Intermediate Level by Patricia Wilcox Peterson. I took a picture of this exercise because I would like to try it with my students and/or the teachers in my community

page from a book describing an activity in which students first sort sentences into two different paragraphs and then order the sentences for each paragraph

April 12, 2024 - this is a laminator sheet. problem is, there is no laminator at my school (and other things like a printer, but that’s for another day). however, yesterday I learned how to laminate my own papers using these laminator sheets and an iron, thanks to the magic of technology and YouTube

laminator sheet on a black chair

April 11, 2024 - moody blue/gray sky picture from about a week ago

snow-capped mountains against a blue sky after sunset, with dark clouds hanging in the sky almost just above the mountains. silhouettes of trees, houses and a powerline in front of the mountains

April 10, 2024 - wasn’t sure what I would do for ‘train’, but then we happened to go to my host mom’s village today. there are train tracks part of the way along the highway

train track running from left to right, with mountains and a shining sun in the background (in the evening)

April 9, 2024 - a handsome neighbor whose friends might be good crispy 😶

a brown rooster

April 8, 2024 - sign of prevention in the banya. from what I understand, it means that you aren’t allowed to wash/shower in the steam room/sauna room, only in the washing room

sign on a wall which seems to be mostly in Kyrgyz with the following text: парга жуунганга болбойт

April 7, 2024 - people running a race in the park yesterday for World Health Day, which is today (is that why wellbeing was chosen for this day?)

in the distance, runners running up on a small, dirt trail in a park, with onlookers standing along the trail

April 6, 2024 - the weather yesterday afternoon was wild. first it was super windy and looked like this, like a duststorm blew in. The dust lasted about an hour, then blue/gray clouds came in, and it started to sprinkle, which turned to snow. After 5 minutes, the precipitation stopped

houses on a village street under a light tan sky

April 5, 2024 - serene - the calm after the storm

white mountains not long before sunset with a few small clouds in the sky

April 4, 2024 - I just really wanted to post this picture, okay?! sorry that I currently live at a high elevation and it’s still too early for foliage…at least I included trees, so you can just imagine leaves 😂

two pigeons sitting side by side on a branch of a tree with no leaves, mountains visible in the background

April 3, 2024 - behind on my own prompt 😂 a page from the basically national Kyrgyz 5th grade English textbook that had a birthday lesson with vocabulary words which we worked with this week including “birthday card

picture of a textbook page with everything in English and small pictures of the new vocabulary words

April 2, 2024 - flowers in the hallway at my school

pink flowers on a plant in a lavender flower pot in front of a view of another part of my school and mountains

April 1, 2024 - toy. can’t remember if I posted this guy before. He’s technically an ornament, and one word for ‘ornament’ in Russian is игрушка, which can also mean “toy”, so this picture feels like a win to me for the prompt 😁

ornament of a gnome-looking man with a very tall hat made of styrofoam covered by fabric