
March 24, 2025 - the most unusual gift I have ever received as a teacher. From two 6th grade boys. Maybe it was a prank (they just put it on my desk), but I know they like me as a teacher and they were adamant that I take it 😂 maybe it’s defective? (other than the missing leg and pen marks)

toy spider on a paper on a desk

March 23, 2025 - good morning! ☀️

village road with houses on both sides. pale sunrise in background

March 22, 2025 - was grading tests that my students took before spring break. First, I was using a pink pen, and then it ran out of ink. Then I changed to this purple pen. It had an oopsie, but luckily not on any test papers

glittery purple ink on my fingers

March 21, 2025 - ad for an art museum in a village outside of Bishkek. Seen at a cafe
(also, Happy Nooruz!)

table placard ad for an art museum in a village outside of Bishkek

March 20, 2025 - learned what ‘bee bread’ is today

small jar of honey that says in English (and Russian) "honey with bee bread"

March 19, 2025 - casino in Bishkek only for non-Kyrgyz people?

sign outside a casino that reads "Kyrgyz Law prohibits Kyrgyz citizens' entry into casino" in Kyrgyz, Russian and English

March 18, 2025 - getting noms in before it’s back to the village for me

sushi rolls on a plate

March 17, 2025 - at the park where I took the squirrel picture yesterday. The sign says “Kyrgyz-Korea Friendship park” in Kyrgyz (and I assume in Korean too, but I can’t read Korean)
park has been here a while but only recently (in the past year?) was it given this friendship name/status

concrete arch in the shape of a yurt with a gray plaque on the right with Kyrgyz and Korean text

March 16, 2025 - squirrel on a fence

gray squirrel with pointy brown ears on a concrete fence

March 15, 2025 - I guess the chips which come in a tin at this store are not for short people like me. (Was on an unsuccessful hunt for original Pringles?! Didn’t see any at 4 stores…so bought paprika Pringles and original Spar ‘pringles’ instead)
(btw, does the US have paprika Pringles?)

chip bags hanging on a metal rack, chips in a tin on a shelf above those

March 14, 2025 - International Women’s Day gift (late because we weren’t in the same place until today)

bouquet of pink and white flowers

March 13, 2025 - more USAID materials (the Kyrgyz book on the left is a translated version of the English book on the right). Both books are pretty hefty, so the translation work must have been a big project

two purple Life Skills and Leadership books. left-Kyrgyz version. right-English version. sponsored by USAID and Peace Corps

March 12, 2025 - a treat for each of my three Olympiad students 😊

three Alpen Gold chocolate bars, all with oreo

March 11, 2025 - host mom preparing sheep innards to be used in cooking

woman sitting on a stool outside washing sheep intestines in a bowl

March 10, 2025 - put this sign outside our English classroom earlier this school year and now students ask, “May I come in?” in English
once, I took it off the wall to show a student in the classroom, and this monstrosity happened 🙃 good thing Kyrgyz schools are repainted every year

laminated "May I come in?" paper taped to a light blue wall, but with large paint chips underneath the tape from having moved the sign

March 9, 2025 - not only was yesterday International Women’s Day, but it was also Grandma’s 70th birthday, so 6 of her 7 children (4 daughters and 2 sons - my host dad is her oldest son) and their children were at our house yesterday. One daughter brought small gifts for all the girls and women

small face cream box

March 8, 2025 - Happy International Women’s Day!
We got a small dusting of snow last night

a bit of snow on a field and a small mountain

March 7, 2025 - my Women’s Day haul. (It’s tomorrow, but we don’t work, so we celebrated today)
Most meaningful was a note in Kyrgyz with a candy from students I taught last year. Later they returned and gave me a carnation bouquet made of tissue colored with marker and a note in English 🥺

red lily, red notebook, brown Kyrgyz desk decoration, chocolate bar with a purple wrapper, two small handwritten notes, and a craft bouquet made of paper and marker-colored tissue

March 6, 2025 - my host dad said that all these sheep are pregnant

a lot of sheep

March 5, 2025 - beautiful lighting this morning 😊
(Also, Happy Kalpak Day! The kalpak is a white, traditional Kyrgyz hat worn by men, and is said to represent the white mountains in Kyrgyzstan)

bright white mountains with a white cloud above, and morning blue sky above that

March 4, 2025 - my host mom cooking beans for the first time that I’ve ever seen. She said she wants to use them in a salad. She also said she ate beans a lot in her childhood because they grew where she lived. But beans don’t grow here, so people here rarely eat them. I’m excited for beans!

red beans on the stovetop

March 3, 2025 - a new bell/speaker system at school that plays komuz music after every lesson
and the national anthem was played in the morning, which had never happened here before on a normal school day
(actually, the Kyrgyz gov announced a contest last month to change the national anthem..)

speaker near the top of a white wall inside a school

March 2, 2025 - had to navigate through cow city on the way home from my walk this morning. They were going to the fields to graze

cows on a village road walking towards the camera

March 1, 2025 - today is the first day of Ramadan fasting, so I went out and got my daily 6000 steps early. (Don’t know how feasible it is to do both the whole month, but I will try). Sometimes I see this old woman walking in the morning. Here she is walking home, down her street (I guess)

person in black clothing walking down a village dirt road with houses on both sides

February 28, 2025 - my main coteacher likes taking care of flowers

three small flowerpots on a windowsill inside a classroom. two pots of pink flowers, one pot of purple flowers